Scripture Searcher

The 2024-2025 Booklet

Achan was so taken by the treasures of Jericho that he went against the specific instruction of the Lord and took some of that "stuff" for himself. Even though he tried to hide his sin, it led to the defeat of the children of Israel at Ai, the death of 36 Israelites in that battle, and the destruction of himself and his family in the valley of Achor.

Gehazi had an extremely privileged position - as Elisha's servant he witnessed incredible miracles and had first-hand knowledge of the power of God. Just like Achan though, he was drawn to "stuff" - and he lied to Naaman to secretly get some for himself. The Lord is never fooled by our lies though, and Gehazi lived the rest of his life as a leper because of his sin.

The theme for the Scripture Searchers this year is "stuff" - the many different things in our life that we collect and use. Do we hold our possessions as being from the Lord, and use them for His purposes? Do we grasp onto the things that He’s given us and keep them for ourselves, unwilling to use them for Him and His people? Maybe we’re like the saints from Macedonia who "first gave their own selves to the Lord," and then it was a natural consequence that of course their possessions would be freely and readily available for the Lord to use as He saw fit.

I pray that each one of us would be found making time in our lives for the Word of God, and that our lives and possessions would be oriented around our Lord and around furthering His purposes in this world. May we never be so caught up in earthly things that we neglect that which is truly important.

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