Scripture Searcher

What Is It?

The Scripture Searcher is an annual booklet that helps you build and maintain a habit of reading the Word of God every day. Each booklet starts in July and runs for a whole year, finishing at the end of the following June.

Booklets are freely available to anyone that requests them. A small prize will be sent for every completed booklet that is sent back at the end of the year.

How It Works

Every day, you read through the Bible until you find the short phrase for that day, and then mark down its reference in the space provided in your booklet. The next day, you continue reading from where you stopped the day before, and look for the next phrase from the book.

Every year, the Adult and Youth Scripture Searchers follow a specific theme of study for the whole year, and verses and phrases are selected to fit into that theme. There are also occasional questions scattered through the booklets to help you apply what you're reading to your own life, and to explore the theme further.

Difficulty Levels

The booklets are available in three difficulty levels:


You'll read through the entire Bible every year. That's over 31 thousand verses, averaging approximately 85 verses per day.


You'll read through half of the Bible in a year, including the entire New Testament. That's a total of over 15 thousand verses, averaging approximately 45 verses per day.


You'll read several books of the Bible every year... working out to about 5 or 6 thousand verses, or 15 verses per day. The Child booklets have a larger text size for easier reading, and simpler questions that are intended for those new to reading the Bible for themselves.